Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Rangi and Papa Hui


To put on a performance to celebrate the Te Ao Māori learning from throughout the year.  The performance needed to showcase:
  • Waiata
  • Haka
  • Dance
  • Musical instruments
  • Te Reo learning
  • Our growing understanding of Māori myths and legends
We needed to make sure we invited our whānau and friends and our local ECE centres.

Challenge - to do this collaboratively and authentically throughout the year.  No last minute stress!

First step:

All classes learned the different songs throughout the year beginning in Term 1 with our weekly sessions with Whāea Kerri.

This knowledge continued to build throughout the year so all the children learned the contents of our hui organically and authentically.

Second step:

I met with Whāea Kerri to discuss the script and how all children would take place in class sets.  After a discussion with Kerri, I began to create the bones of the play at the end of Term 3.
In the last couple of weeks of Term 3, as a team we outlined the bones of the play and divvied up the jobs.  We made any art orders needed and created a timeline so that the play could be put on, along with an art gallery, athletics day, and Fun Day!  



Third step:

In Term 4 we began LC singing practices on a Wednesday.  We practised all classrooms songs so all children could practice in down times in their classes.  We began working on making costumes with the children including masks and tipare.  Our local ECE centre invites went out and all families were informed of our practice date.  

Practising music in class

Fourth step:

After LC 3's fantastic performance in Week Five, we began practising in the hall about 4 days before our performance!  Whāea Kerri had ex-Frimley Students complete our staging and props, Luke helped us with sound and lighting, and the children had a few run throughs so that they knew what to do but weren't sick of it!
Then we had our great performance Friday 24 November to a packed in crowd!  Great to see two daycares, one kindergarten and our local Te Kohanga Reo attend!

Objective reflection:

  • All Te Ao Māori learning from throughout the year was successfully represented in the 'show'.
  • Visual Art, Dance, Drama and Music were all included in the 'show'
  • We couldn't fit anymore family or friends into the hall so as a hui it was a truly effective example of what brings our whānau into school.
  • Transition was supported by having our ECE centres represented in the audience.
  • All teachers spoke about how it was taken in their stride and there was no last minute stress to be had.
  • It was great to have included Whāea Kerri effectively and to see her sessions followed through in classes.

Whānau and community voice:

  • "This is the best pronunciation of Te Reo, I've heard our 5 year olds do.  It's awesome to see it taught when they're so young.  Get it into them young, eh?"
  • "It was really good to see all the kids get a turn to show us something.  In my day, someone had to be a tree or something in a show but all these kids got up and did something."
  • "These kids are confident, eh.  Choice!"
  • "That was really good!  It's great to see what our little kiddies move on to do after being with us at Frimley Kindy.  They grow up fast!"
  • "Too cute!  It looked really flash actually!  It was just the right amount of time too."
All teachers commented on how happy their students and their families were with the performance.