Sue Forndorfler
Methven Primary School
New Digital Technologies Curriculum
- Computational thinking for digital technologies has a Level 1 outcome.
- Getting students to plan and create instructions for problem solving (eg, old maths activities)
- Checking steps make sense and are accurate
- Debugging - did it work? Can you fix it up? Reflect - how can it work next time?
- Developing some computer science thinking (basic coding).
- Learn how to store and retrieve work on a device.
- Teaching about digital technologies NOT teaching with digital technologies.
- Integrate with classroom programme
- Make strong links to literacy and numeracy
- Teach the skills of computational thinking
- Give time to practice and explore
- Find class experts
What is computational thinking? (
- Check out the above website for a break down of what to teach for computational thinking.
- TKI have exemplars.
- tynker
Examples of digital learning opportunities for junior children
Start with the school values/learning dispositions
Methven School began with their values that they aligned with the new digital curriculum
- computational thinking
- collaboration
- creativitiy
- communication
- citizenship
Technologies to explore
- Scratch
- Hour of Code
- Microbit
- Beebots/Mouse - plastic sheeting from spotlight and place letters/numbers/nz map underneath
- Mentimeter
More technologies to explore under the different learning disposition 'labels'
- Explain everything
- Book Creator
- Chatterpix
- Minecraft: Education edition. Staff have an account and children come under that. Piece of art to be recreated. 3D shapes. Teacher sets up world.
- Paint 3D - what comes next? Past - present - future idea. What device do you need? (Microsoft)
- iMovie
- Mixed reality viewer
- Seesaw
- Mystery Skype and Skype in the classroom (chn can draw pictures and make notes about what they can hear)
- Learnz
- Student voice using google forms
- Manage the environment - don't put on the floor!
- (digital safety)
- Reading eggs
- Matific
Personal Reflection:
Begin using the new curriculum for digital technologies by starting with computational thinking. Integrate this into my TAI by introducing maps - pirates - Roomble Froomble.
High interest with the inclusion of the pirates and how it was wrapped in fantasy. Need to now work on 1/4, 1/2 turns and left and right with more focus.
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