Friday, October 26, 2018

ERO case study 2017 #07

Waipawa Primary School
Teacher Only Day
Paul Jamieson

Fully engaging children in learning through an innovative curriculum

Sylvia Park School is the school focused on in this case study. 

The ERO team looked at the following areas of success at this school:
  • Schools Curriculum -
    Inquiry learning through a localised curriculum
  • Pedagogy (Developing teaching practice)
    Student achievement and how this was targeted through Inquiry learning.
    Community and Whanau involvement
  • Success for every child
    Growth mindset
    Visible learning techniques
    (evidence, feedback, sharing of learning, student voice)
    Partnerships with home.
Take away points that resonated with me:
  • Outcomes of the learning were visible in the environment and many outcomes were helping to improve lives for children and communities.
  • Innovative teachers think about their children, work with their community and think about the place they are situated in.
  • Children involved in decision making - direction of inquiry/possible answers.
  • Celebrations 'big reveals' of learning involved community.
  • PLD was abolished if it didn't work.
  • Leaders made it clear to PLD facilitators supported learning and didn't just impart knowledge.  Money was invested in coaching and gathering evidence by releasing teachers to work in each other's rooms.

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