Sunday, August 6, 2017

Construction Urge

When the children first enter as New Entrants, it can take a while for urges to become recurrent as the children are so busy thing on the volume of new information.

One of the first urges to come to the forefront was construction this year.

While I only had 2 children in my class it was easy to begin working on my next step from Sarah Aiono around capturing learning and narrating it.  Student voice was easy to collect and the curriculum links that we made to the learning were natural.  All captured on the learning story above.

Then the next set of students started and construction was their first urge that they began repeating.   However Arama was able to bring his urge for enclosure and Mackenzie's urge for collecting and suddenly there is an Army barrack.  As my TAI is around oral language, the aim was to gift Army vocabulary.  Words such as barracks, supplies, hideout was used and before long it was also a superhero hideaway.  The oral language focus then shifted to the interpersonal language being used between the students and my job became observer.

Next steps:
  • Social emotional coaching using construction projects
  • "Say and walk away" approach to a construction project whereas I am focusing on broadening understanding of a topic to give breadth to a developing storyline.


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