Thursday, February 21, 2019

Play Based Learning Development - Transition Focus

Play Based Learning Development - Transition Focus


At Waipawa School, our school charter has asked for us to develop more hands-on and authentic learning opportunities and to do this by developing Learning through Play practices.


The New Entrant/Year 1 teachers are hesitant about adding Learning through Play into their practices and have highlighted the following reasons for being on top for them:

  • Not understanding the developmental stages and the place in Learning through Play
  • Concerned that guided group work will change and unsure of what this will mean for student achievement
  • Not feeling confident about the role of the teacher in the play

Plan of Attack:

  • Take each class for Learning through Play sessions outside with my class as older role models to the 5 year olds
  • Highlight the need for resourcing with loose parts and having it set up invitingly.
  • Model the 'spray and walk away' technique with academic coaching to lift the play.
  • Model the descriptive commenting for academic and socio-emotional teaching.
  • Write learning stories for target children in each class as examples of the learning and reporting.

Progress being made:

  • Teachers are making time in their weekly plans for this play to happen - commitment!
  • Teacher aids are interested in this and have been fully participating in the process.
  • All students have enjoyed the learning through play sessions and plenty of photo montages have captured the learning.

Next steps:

  • I have organised for the teachers to visit Eskdale School to work with Jill Skottjrup from Longworth Education around play based practices for transition purposes.  I am hoping they will see this in practice with same age children in a different context and will have the coaching to help establish why this is so important with children starting school.
  • I have put the support staff on Incredible Years training to strengthen the academic and socio-emotional coaching practices in our junior classrooms.

Implications for my practice:

  • Continue to look into practice based coaching methods.  Start by looking at the P-BLOT tool for coaching playbased learning in particular.

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