Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Collaborative Practices

Tim White
Teacher Only Day (26.01.17)
Frimley School


Form - Storm - Norm - Perform

Establishing rules for working - how do we work together collaboratively (systems, expectations)

Collaborative Reflection
(Tessa Arcus, Suzanne Wilkinson, Kate Woodward, Lucie Macdonald, Stacey Mabey)

Team Function
  • Meetings once a fortnight with catch up meetings on the off week.
  • Use the Google Site with increasing efficiency to allow for communication and sharing of ideas, resources and information.
Enabling Conditions
  • We discussed in depth the level of cooperation between the classrooms at the beginning of the year while we are in our rooms setting up.  
  • Sharing of resources and ideas will be key.
  • Move to more LC level events once swimming has finished.
  • Stacey to look at regularly releasing teachers to work with and observe, each other.
Collective Responsibility
  • Work together with play initially.  We talked about how Sarah will help each individual as well as supporting the collaboration factor in our rooms.
  • No one-upmanship.  A creative and uncomfortable place for success doesn't need to equate to a one-upmanship 'vibe'.  Not collaborative.
  • Data will also be a collective responsibility.  This includes the distribution of learning assistants, resources, and 'hard conversations'.
Embracing innovation/opportunities
  • How best to improve with Sarah's help.
  • How best to use Stacey at the beginning of Term 1.
  • Play is more than resourcing.  People will find that there is a strength for them that we can all pool off when moving forward with this.  For example:
    *  resourcing
    *  learning stories
    *  curriculum links and what to do with them
    *  social coaching
    *  academic coaching

    Where to next for me:

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