Teacher Only Day (26.01.17)
Frimley School
Form - Storm - Norm - Perform
Establishing rules for working - how do we work together collaboratively (systems, expectations)
Collaborative Reflection
(Tessa Arcus, Suzanne Wilkinson, Kate Woodward, Lucie Macdonald, Stacey Mabey)
(Tessa Arcus, Suzanne Wilkinson, Kate Woodward, Lucie Macdonald, Stacey Mabey)
Team Function
- Meetings once a fortnight with catch up meetings on the off week.
- Use the Google Site with increasing efficiency to allow for communication and sharing of ideas, resources and information.
Enabling Conditions
- We discussed in depth the level of cooperation between the classrooms at the beginning of the year while we are in our rooms setting up.
- Sharing of resources and ideas will be key.
- Move to more LC level events once swimming has finished.
- Stacey to look at regularly releasing teachers to work with and observe, each other.
Collective Responsibility
- Work together with play initially. We talked about how Sarah will help each individual as well as supporting the collaboration factor in our rooms.
- No one-upmanship. A creative and uncomfortable place for success doesn't need to equate to a one-upmanship 'vibe'. Not collaborative.
- Data will also be a collective responsibility. This includes the distribution of learning assistants, resources, and 'hard conversations'.
Embracing innovation/opportunities
- How best to improve with Sarah's help.
- How best to use Stacey at the beginning of Term 1.
- Play is more than resourcing. People will find that there is a strength for them that we can all pool off when moving forward with this. For example:
* resourcing
* learning stories
* curriculum links and what to do with them
* social coaching
* academic coaching
Where to next for me:
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