Sunday, January 22, 2017

Play Based Learning - Initial Action Plan

4th July 2016
Frimley School, Hastings
Longworth Education Facilitator Sarah Aiono and Stacey Mabey

Next Steps:

The above action plan shows the short term goals and over arching goals for the play based learning development in Room 1 during Term 3 of 2016.  The first goal that I have worked on is the provocation and resourcing of play.  I believe that if the resources are available, then the rest of the goals can be worked on.  For example, appropriate coaching development will be aided by adequate resourcing for engaging sessions.


In this piece of evidence, the resourcing used is ping pong balls, marbles, zip ties (cable ties), stand-up mesh trolley.  These resources were provided however, pipes and stand up trolley were explicitly provided and the children resourced from other places the zip ties and ping pong balls etc... from other 'old play' creations.  Once the children were involved with this problem solving play session, the coaching I practiced was around perseverance and sharing (ideas and resources).  For example; "Sophia is concentrating hard with the zip ties"
"Harper is holding the pipe for Bailey so the zip tie can be attached.  That's team work"
"ChevyLee and Chloe are sharing the pipes to build the track."

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